Interested in Serving?
Take the next step in joining the Dream Team by attending
the next Growth Track event. The Growth Track is designed
to help equip you to live life as a fully devoted follower of Christ
and will help you discover and fulfill your God-given purpose.
the next Growth Track event. The Growth Track is designed
to help equip you to live life as a fully devoted follower of Christ
and will help you discover and fulfill your God-given purpose.
Baptism Team
This team prepares for and hosts the Victory baptism experience.
Campus Host Team
This team brings a personal touch to our worship experiences by hosting in the lobby, at coffee stations, and in the auditorium.
Dream Team Check-In Team
Our team serves all Dream Team members by assisting with check-in in Dream Team Central. (Age 18+, Background Check)
Dream Team Serve Team
Our team hosts our very own Dream Team members in Dream Team Central by providing food and encouragement during services and also by serving at conferences and church-wide events by facilitating meals and snacks.
First Responders
This team of health care professionals serves by providing basic medical care in the event of an accident or emergency. (Medical Certification, Background Check)
Greeter Team
This team welcomes people to Victory at the front doors and hands out worship guides at the entrance to the auditorium.
Growth Track Host Team
Our team serves as the hosts of the Growth Track, greeting guests, and providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Victory.
High School Students Team (9-12 Grade)
Our team helps students get connected to our Victory Students ministry through MOTION Night, Small Groups, camp, conferences, and serving at the Victory Students table on Sundays. (Background Check)
Info Center Team
Our team connects guests to the Church community and helps them identify their next steps by providing resources and information about Weekend Services, Small Groups, Growth Track, and events.
JV Dream Team
Our team is made up of 6-8 graders who serve in our Kids of Victory nursery, toddler, and pre-school and Kids of Victory elementary areas.
Kids Check-In
Our team facilitates the check-in process in Kids of Victory (nursery, toddler, & preschool) and Kids of Victory elementary (grades 1-5) to ensure children are cared for effectively and efficiently. (Age 18+, Background Check)
Kids of Victory Elementary Team (1-5 Grade)
Our team invests in the lives of children through worship, Biblical teachings, videos, small groups, skits, and games. This team creates an environment where children are consistently exposed to the real love of Jesus. (Background Check)
Kids of Victory Nursery/Toddler Team
Our team ministers to children through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities, and personal interactions. (Background Check)
Legacy Team
Our team uses our gift of giving to support major projects and facilitate the overall vision of the church through strategic financial offerings.
Middle School Team (6-8 Grade)
Our team helps students get connected to our Victory Students ministry through MOTION Night, Small Groups, camp, conferences, and serving at the Victory Students table on Sunday. (Background Check)
Online Campus Team
Our team connects with guests of Victory from around the world through our Online Campus experience with prayer and online conversations.
Outreach Team
Our team facilitates serving opportunities such as First Sunday Serve projects and other campus outreach expressions. (Background Check)
Parking Team
Our team serves as the first impression of those coming to Victory by welcoming people on and off of the property by providing a safe and efficient parking experience. (Age 15+)
Production Team
Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experience using lights, cameras, sound, media, and other visual elements.
Prayer Team
Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams, and ministries at Victory.
Preschool Team
Our team ministers to children through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities, and personal interactions. (Background Check)
Resource Team
Our team enhances the worship experience by preparing worship guides and providing other products and materials.
Security Team
Our team secures the building and patrols the parking lots during services and special events. (Background Check)
Set Up/Take Down Team
Our team facilitates setting up before special events and taking down after special events.
Small Group Leaders
We are trained to facilitate Small Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps. (Background Check)
Usher Team
Our team members assist people to their seats, facilitates the offering, and help maintain a distraction-free service environment.
Victory Worship Team
Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering. (Worship Development Training Process, Background Check)